Hydrologic Modeling

Model Parameter Sensitivity Across Time Scales

Sensitivity analysis (SA) has been a topic of increasing application on environmental modeling. Several toolboxes available for different programming languages have been released, including a great variety of approaches and methodologies for …

Addressing Uncertainty in Flood Mapping from an Integrated Bayesian Model Perspective: A Real-World, Data-Limited Case Study

The determination of inundation extents by the development of flood hazard maps, including the frequency of floods, and how they affect flood-prone areas is a topic of paramount importance in water resources engineering. The procedure generally …

Evaluating Uncertainty Estimation Across Time Scales

Uncertainty is intrinsically associated with hydrologic modeling and should be considered in research and operational applications that utilize hydrologic models; otherwise, the value of a hydrologic prediction to support decision-making processes …

Engaging Communities to Advance Hydrologic Science (ECAHS)

(2019-2020) - Engaging Communities to Advance Hydrologic Science (ECAHS) Objectives: (a) to develop a participatory modeling framework that leverages established, high-level Bayesian techniques to explore the utility of data-based informative prior distributions in constraining hydrologic model performance and process fidelity; (b) to investigate the efficacy of community engagement and citizen science in hydrologic modeling through the use of hierarchical approaches within the Bayesian framework by assimilating multiple data sources (including qualitative, ‘soft’ information) into model forecasting; and c) to advance the understanding of hydrology as a topic of global importance through collaborative engagement across multiple project stakeholder groups (citizens, teachers, students) to transform the way hydrologic modeling is conducted.