Assessment of the average sediment discharge and lifespan of the set of reservoirs which compose the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Complex.


This work presents the studies developments for the assessment of the mean solid discharge and the useful life of the Belo Monte Hydroeletric Complex. First, a general description of the basic configuration of the hydroelectric facility is presented. Second, a summary of the historical studies and the available data are shown. Next, the sediment rating curve adopted and the methodologies for the estimation of the mean solid discharge and the useful life are developed. The work proposes an approach to take in account the influence of extreme sediments events in the mean sediment discharge, besides, a methodological fit is proposed in order to assess the useful life of both reservoirs that are linked by a channel composing the hydroelectric site.

In Proc. X National Sedimentation Engineering Meeting, Foz do Iguaçu/PR, Brazil. (in Portuguese)
