- (2005-2006) - METAHIDRO - Methodologies for the Treatment of Hydrotechnical Problems in Dam Engineering
Objectives: The project sought to study aspects related to the safety and structural integrity of concrete dams, of particular elements and their components, as well as to deal with Fluid-Structure Dynamic Interaction problems in Dam Engineering. It is also a goal of the project helping with the improvement of dam designing by increasing the knowledge about Brazilian dam`s safety based on real cases simulations of ELETRONORTE dam’s park.
Project Members:
Coordination: Lineu José Pedroso
Participants: Cássio Guilherme Rampinelli;André Nascimento Barbosa; Paulo Marcelo Vieira Ribeiro; Rita de Cássia Silva;Thiago Soares Arima; Eurice Souza;Carlos Eduardo Veras Neves;Selênio Feio da Silva;Carlos Augusto Elias Melo.
Funding: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil -ELETRONORTE
Products: Technical reports and papers for the improvement of dam designing by increasing the knowledge about Brazilian dam safety based on real cases simulations of ELETRONORTE dam’s park.