• (2005-2006) - METAHIDRO - Methodologies for the Treatment of Hydrotechnical Problems in Dam Engineering

Objectives: The project sought to study aspects related to the safety and structural integrity of concrete dams, of particular elements and their components, as well as to deal with Fluid-Structure Dynamic Interaction problems in Dam Engineering. It is also a goal of the project helping with the improvement of dam designing by increasing the knowledge about Brazilian dam`s safety based on real cases simulations of ELETRONORTE dam’s park.

Project Members:

  • Coordination: Lineu José Pedroso

  • Participants: Cássio Guilherme Rampinelli;André Nascimento Barbosa; Paulo Marcelo Vieira Ribeiro; Rita de Cássia Silva;Thiago Soares Arima; Eurice Souza;Carlos Eduardo Veras Neves;Selênio Feio da Silva;Carlos Augusto Elias Melo.

Funding: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil -ELETRONORTE

Products: Technical reports and papers for the improvement of dam designing by increasing the knowledge about Brazilian dam safety based on real cases simulations of ELETRONORTE dam’s park.

Cássio Rampinelli
Cássio Rampinelli
PhD Student

My research interests include hydrologic and hydraulic modeling matter.